Scholarship Recipients
The Royal Vagabonds Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Fund was created to assist and support various capacity building organizations in the St. Louis Greater metropolitan area. Through our various annual events and programming, our goal is to support those striving to become better community citizens and tomorrow’s leaders.
The cost of education is extremely high! The Royal Vagabonds Foundation, Inc. intends to assist the young people in our community in experiencing education beyond education high school level. Most of these young people will be citizens and leaders in our community; potential members of our workforce; and, parents and role models for our following generations. It is in our best interest that the young people of today be ready to assume these future roles. The educational experience provides the greatest opportunity for these young people to prepare for the future, OUR future.
With your support we can continue this worthwhile endeavor. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
2023 Scholarship Recipients

2022 Scholarship Reception